Working as a collaboration to promote climate informed decisions on farms and forests.
Our e-newsletter, The Quarterly Harvest, seeks to deliver high level updates and articles with a balanced mix of created and curated content from USDA Northeast Climate Hub staff and partners to keep you informed.
Subscribe nowContents of this edition:
- Warmer Isn’t Always Better: How Rising Temperatures Impact Crop Production
- Welcoming New Faces and Honoring Departures
- A Documentary That Delivers Climate Hope
- Ten Years of Dedication to the Climate Hubs
- GradCAMP Scholars Gather at Rutgers University
- Forest Farming and Composting
- 'Mental and Physical Health for Climate Resilience' Mini-Series
- Film Fans Unite: UMD Extension Adds Documentary to 2024 Development Program
- Addressing Assisted Migration in Research and Practice: A Rooted in Research Webinar Series
- Silvopasture and Hedgerows: Designing with the Climate
- Cape Climate, Agriculture and Food
Contents of this edition:
- Reflecting on Ten Years of Dedication to the Climate Hubs
- USDA Northeast Climate Hub Welcomes New ORISE Fellow: Alyssa Soucy
- Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship underway for 105 farmers and service providers in the Northeast and Midwest
- New Agroforestry Research and Demonstration Site Opens at the University of Maine
- Forest Drought Response Index (ForDRI) Evaluation In-person and Online Workshop [Workshop]
- Rooted in Research: Changing Hydrology in Cities [Webinar]
- Rooted in Research: Changing Hydrology in Agriculture and Agroforestry [Webinar]
- Forest Farming: A Climate Smart Practice [Workshop]
- Lower Shore Land Trust, Delmarva Restoration and Conservation Network, and USFWS Film Screening: Delmarva and the Ground for Change [Film Screening]
Contents of this edition:
- USDA Celebrates 10 Years of Climate Hubs
- Amidst a Wave of Climate Reports, the Northeast Climate Hub Launches Its 2024 Project Catalogue
- USDA Northeast Climate | FY24 Project Catalogue
- NRCS provides Inflation Reduction Act Funding to the USDA Climate Hubs for Climate Mitigation
- Economic Impacts of No-Till Adoption in Maryland
- NYS Agricultural Assessment Cultivates Climate Crisis Solutions
- Interviews with NCA5 Author, Erin Lane
- NCA5 Webinar: Northeast [Webinar]
- Arts for Climate Equity: Bridging Gaps Between Science and Society
- Climate Equity Takes Center Stage: Highlights from the Fall Semester of GradCAMP
- Drought Assessment in a Changing Climate: Priority Actions and Research Needs [Report]
- Changing Characteristics of Snow, Precipitation and Drought in the Northeast U.S. [Report]
- Changing Characteristics of Snow, Precipitation and Drought in the Northeast U.S. [Webinar]
- Climate Learning in Partnership for Climate Smart Agroforestry Session
- Interview with Carmen Quintos: A Reflection on Working with the USDA Northeast Climate Hub
- An Overview of Carbon Offsets and Credits [Inforgraphic]
- Climate Risks to Dairy Farms in the Northeastern U.S. [Inforgraphic]
- UMD Extension and Talbot County Film Screening of Delmarva and the Ground for Change [Event]
- Successful Interseeding Cover Crop Strategies in Cold Climates
- Understanding Climate-Smart Forestry in Practice
- Adapting to Extreme Weather “Wild Cards”: A Rooted in Research Webinar Series
Contents of this edition:
- Beetles, Blueberries, and Biogeochemistry: GradCAMP Brings Together Emerging Climate Scholars
- 4 New CAMF Programs Open for Farmers and Agricultural Advisors in the Northeast and Midwest
- Forests and Climate in the News
- Sightline: Measuring Up to Scale Down and Some Basics of Climate Accounting
- New Resource for Understanding How the Climate is Changing: USDA Releases Climate Quick Reference Guides
- Coastal Forests: Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise [Inforgraphic]
- Long-term Economic Impacts of No-till Adoption [Publication]
- Why has the Adoption of Rotational Grazing Declined in Parts of the United States? [Publication]
- Climate Smart (Agroforestry) Practices: Alley Cropping and Silvopasture [Event]
- Delmarva and the Ground for Change to Screen with UMES Extension [Event]
Contents of this edition:
- USDA Northeast Climate Hub brings NRCS Hub Co-Leads Together
- Graduate Student Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Partners
- Internship: Carmen Quintos
- New Project Catalogue
- Effects of Climate Change on Aquaculture in the Gulf of Maine
- Investigating Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion in Forests
- Climate Learning Forum: Healthy Trees Gathering in Vermont
- Wood Harvesting and Storage (Wood Vault): A Low Cost and Easily Scalable Way to Remove Atmospheric CO2 to Fight Climate Change
- NJ Forest Adapt Adds Coastal Forest Dieback Geospatial Layers
- The Pulse: Forests and Climate in the News [Archive]
- Film Selected at CFF
- Delmarva and the Ground for Change to Screen at Blessing of the Combines
Contents of this edition:
- Director's Desk: A National Resource for Climate Science, Tools, and Information
- New ORISE Fellows join USDA Northeast Climate Hub Team
- An Assessment of Programs that Incentivize Ecosystem Services across the Northeast
- Sightline: Forests, Climate, and a Changing Marketplace
- Words Matter: How the Language of Climate Change has Changed
- Turn the Tap: A Focus on Soil Moisture Education
- Climate Leadership Legacy: Interviews with Dr. David Hollinger
- A Promising Tool for Nutrient Management
- Delmarva and the Ground for Change Featured in SWCS Conservogram
- The Pulse: Forests and Climate in the News [Archive]
- Northeast Cover Crop Species Selector
- Cover Crop Nitrogen Calculator
Contents of this edition:
- Director's Desk: New Beginnings in the New Year
- USDA Northeast Climate Hub Team — Celebrating Arrivals and Appreciating Transitions
- Climate Leadership Legacy: Interviews with Dr. David Hollinger
- ORISE Fellowship with Northeast Climate Hub
- Daily runoff forecasting in agricultural watersheds: A promising tool for nutrient management
- The Pulse: Forests and Climate in the News [subscribe]
- Call for Delmarva and the Ground for Change Film Screening Partners
- Testing the Novel Shallow Well at Hart Farm in Maine
- Climate Learning Forum Prepares to Launch
- BeeMapper: A Tool Used by Maine Wild Blueberry Farmers
- Supporting a Climate-Resilient Future for Granite State Farmers
Contents of this edition:
- (Co)Director's Desk: When it rains, it pours: How climate change fuels heavier rains
- Partnership with University of Maine Advances Affordable Well Research
- Subsurface Drip Irrigation at Deerfield Farm
- Rotational Grazing at Fair Hill Farms
- Planting Green at Harborview Farms
- New Documentary Film Spotlights Soil Health and Climate Change from Farmers’ Perspective
- Delmarva and the Ground for Change Selected at MONIFF
- NRCS Seeking Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) Proposals in 3 Priority Areas
- Take a Virtual (Silvopasture) Tour at Angus Glen Today
Contents of this edition:
- Director's Desk: Climate Warming brings Earlier Spring
- Delmarva and the Ground for Change | USDA Climate Hubs Live Virtual Panel Q&A
- Delmarva and the Ground for Change | USDA Climate Hubs Film Premiere
- Film Screening: Delmarva and the Ground for Change
- Farming on a Saltier Coast
- Growing Milkweed in Vermont: An Economic Case Study
- Spending More Time Indoors: It’s What’s in Store for US Honey Bee Colonies
- How Creating Pollinator Habitat can Help Northeast Farmers Adapt to Climate Change
- Food Waste and Greenhouse Gas: Understanding and Reducing Emissions in Agriculture and Forestry
Contents of this edition:
- Director's Desk: Cost-effective Strategies to Reduce Agricultural Greenhouse Gases
- La Niña Returns with Warmer and Wetter Conditions on Tap
- Following Nutrient Management Guidelines can Help to Reduce Nitrous Oxide Emissions
- Climate Smart Buildings Ahead
- Agrivoltaics: Coming to a Farm Near You?
- Insects Change the Story
- Video Series: Weathering the Change
- Using Food to Tell the Climate Change Story
- Virtual Tour: Prescribed Burning on the Penobscot Experimental Forest 360
Contents of this edition:
- Director's Desk: Of Peril and Hope
- Delmarva and the Ground for Change: A Forthcoming Environmental Documentary Focused on Soil Health
- Soil Health - What about the Economics?
- Video Series: Understanding Climate Change and Climate Smart Agriculture
- Building Climate Resilience through Peer Connections
- Forests: A Carbon Cycle Checking Account
- Agroforestry at Angus Glen 360
- UVM Dairy Farming Research 360
In this edition of the Quarterly Harvest check out stories on carbon storage in soils and forests, learn about the climate impacts to coastal forests in our latest research brief, and discover a new virtual tour at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), which brings you into forest experiments that are being used to study forest response to extreme weather events, such as ice storms, drought, and warming.
- Director's Desk: Back to Paris!
- A Renewed Focus on Soil Carbon
- The role of Climate-Smart Agriculture in climate adaptation and mitigation in the Northeast
- Forest Mitigation
- Going to Extremes at HBEF 360
- Climate Change Impacts to Coastal Forests
- Beyond Adaptation
- What can forest managers do to increase carbon storage and mitigate climate change?
- How can agroforestry support climate change mitigation in the Northeast?
- Upcoming webinar: Climate Change and On-Farm Water Management
- Upcoming webinar: The Economics of US Forests as a Natural Climate Solution
- Recent webinar: Salt Water Intrusion in the Long Island Sound Area and What Farmers and Land Managers Can Do to Minimize Its Impact
- Recent webinar: Benefits and Costs of Natural Climate Solutions in Maine: Agriculture (Part 1)
- Recent webinar: Benefits and Costs of Natural Climate Solutions in Maine: Forestry (Part 2)
As 2020 came to a close, this edition of the Quarterly Harvest provided an array of webinars and resources to help support farmer decision making and spark ideas for improving soil health and water quality.
- Director's Desk: New Drought Coordinator for New England and New York
- GradCAP Scholars Co-Author Paper Highlighting their Experiences as Early Career Researchers
- UMES Permeable Reactive Barriers 360
- Chestnuts: A Perennial Opportunity for Northeast Farms
- Data Driven Decision Making at Cecarelli Farms
- Upcoming webinar: Emergency Preparation and Dealing with COVID19 on Farms: Alternative Marketing Strategies to Stay in Business
- Upcoming webinar: Marketing Soil Carbon Storage on a 2,000 acre Regenerative Organic Grain Farm in NY
- Upcoming webinar: Helping Farmers Help the Land Through Climate Smart Farming
- Featured webinar and research: Inclusivity in Cooperative Extension Programming, With an Emphasis on Natural Resources and Climate Change
“Flash drought” refers to drought conditions that develop unusually quickly, in effect sneaking up on farmers and policy managers. This kind of drought doesn’t happen often in the Northeast but it did this year. Grab the Summer edition of the Quarterly Harvest to learn more about drought and drought resistance practices in the Northeast. Readers will also find a new virtual tour exploring milkweed at Borderview Farm, tutorials on using NEWA data, and a research brief on how climate chanage is impacting aquaculture in Connecticut's Long Island Sound.
- Director's Desk: Flash Drought is Coming
- Climate Adaptation Fellowship: Vegetable and Small Fruit Application Open
- Milkweed at Borderview Farm 360
- Climate Change and Aquaculture in Connecticut’s Long Island Sound
- Northeast Specialty Crop Water Symposium Conference Proceedings
- Farmer Profile: Common Roots Farm
- NEWA Apple Scab Model Tutorial
- NEWA Fire Blight Model Tutorial
- Drought Resistant Practices
- Tips for Urban Forest Planning
- Upcoming webinar: Dairy Feed and Manure Management: Adapting to Climate Change While Balancing Water and Air Resources with Farm Viability
- Upcoming webinar: Healthy Soils for a Sustainable Future: Soil Health and Greenhouse Gases
- Upcoming webinar: Inclusivity in Cooperative Extension Programming, With an Emphasis on Natural Resources and Climate Change
Inside this edition of the Quarterly Harvest, discover a little bit of everything. Topics range from heat stress in dairy cows and saltwater intrusion in agriculture to how agroforestry can aid in greenhouse gas mitigation and addressing environmental knowledge and perceptions of underrepresented urban populations. Readers can also explore a new virtual tour on irrigation and water management by the University of Maryland in nursery and greenhouse operations.
- Director's Desk: USDA Agriculture Innovation Agenda and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
- Connecting Youth to the Changing Weather
- University of Maryland Ornamental Irrigation Research 360
- Environmental Knowledge and Perceptions of the Urban DC Population
- Saltwater Intrusion: A Growing Threat to Coastal Agriculture
- Managing Dairy Heat Stress in the Northeast’s Changing Climate
- How can agroforestry support climate change mitigation in the Northeast?
- In crisis, Cooperative Extension is more important than ever
- New NRCS Practices to address Climate Change Issues
- Vermont Farmer Profile: Full Moon Farm
- Upcoming webinar: Preparing Small Farms for Current Market Demands
Browse through our winter edition of the Quarterly Harvest. We begin the new year with a new team member, webinars and products. This new year also brings "January temperatures in the Northeast averaged 3 to 9 °F above normal. December was also above average, especially in West Virginia. And except for a few places in the far north, snowfall is also down." (via NOAA’s Northeast Regional Climate Center)
- Director's Desk: Another Warm Winter but Better News about Climate Change
- Northeast Climate Hub Team 2020 — Arrivals and New Beginnings
- UMaine’s Highmoor Farm 360
- Farming the Floodplain: Trade-offs and Opportunities
- Growing Day-Neutral Strawberries in New Hampshire
- Soil Moisture Sensors: A Tool for Smart Irrigation Management Decisions
- New Resources for Farmers Contending with Climate Change
- Save the date: Tree Canopy from Big Cities to Small Towns — A Pathway to Climate Resilience
- Upcoming webinar: Tribal SCAN Network: Web Portal for Climate Station Data and Decision Tools
- Recent webinar: OpenTEAM — Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management
- New tool: Coastal Observer App from DelRAP
We announce the official launch of the the Climate Adaptation Fellowship in this edition of the Quarterly Harvest. Next, catch up with some of the different climate adaptation research projects happening across our region. Visit two new virtual tours where researchers are exploring how rising temperatures will impact different agricultural systems. Explore how increases in temperature impact blueberries and pollinators in West Virginia, or how longer growing seasons in Pennsylvania are now presenting dairy farmers with the ability to plant more than one crop in a season. In stride with these research stories, learn how warming temperatures also present new opportunity for summer cover crops, but also require farmers to seriously consider their options for managing animal heat stress, and much more!
- The Climate Adaptation Fellowship Curriculum Released
- Northeast Specialty Crop Water Symposium
- Managing Dairy Heat Stress in the Northeast’s Rapidly Changing Climate
- Sustainable Dairy Cropping at Penn State 360
- Sugar Maple Regeneration: Citizen Science
- Minimizing the Impacts of Saltwater Flooding on Farmland in the Eastern U.S.
- Featuring a Fellow: Rachel E. Schattman
- Rhode Island's Changing Climate Creates New Opportunities for Summer Cover Crops
- Blueberries, Pollinators, and Pests with WVU 360
- Video: Connecting the Dots for Pollinator Conservation | Event Recap
Could the devastating floods in the Midwest this past spring ever happen in the Northeast? Read about the breakdown of possibilities for our region. In addition to this, readers can listen to talks from our 2018 Partners Meeting through the recently published meeting proceedings, explore a new virtual tour at the Yale-Myers Forest Orchard, learn about how warmer winters and shifting seasons are affecting the logging industry, and more in this Quarterly Harvest edition.
- Save the Date: Northeast Specialty Crop Water Symposium in Burlington, Vermont on December 18-19, 2019
- Extreme and Persistent Rains and Flooding in the Midwest - Can it happen across the Northeast?
- New Review Published on Climate Change curricula for Adult Learners in agriculture and Forestry
- Proceedings of Northeast Climate Hub Partners Meeting
- Warmer, Wetter Logging
- Yale-Myers Forest Orchard 360
- Vermont Farmer Profiles
- Video: Conversations with Cecarelli Farms
This Quarterly Harvest has a lot to unpack in the new year. We begin 2019 with a new NRCS Liaison and a look at the latest climate science reports that were released late last Fall. Readers will also find Northeast specific assessments and research from the latest U.S. Forest Service vulnerability assessment on Mid-Atlantic forests to irrigation, agroforestry, and dairy systems projects happening in Vermont.
- New Climate Reports Lay Down a Challenge
- Northeast Welcomes New NRCS Liaison in 2019
- Sequestering Carbon in Agricultural Soils: What Works?
- UVM Dairy Farming Research 360
- How Climate Change Impacts Forests in the Mid-Atlantic
- Climate Change Is Impacting Northeast Agriculture’s “Bottom Line”
- Partner Highlight: NERA
- How Much is Enough? Dialing in Irrigation on Northeast Diversified Vegetable Farms
- Vermont Agroforestry Strategy Begins
- Academic Writing Residency in Maine
- Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop Abstract Deadline Approaches
In this issue of theQuarterly Harvest, we begin with a highlight on why shifting ocean circulation patterns matter to regional agricultural producers. Then, tucked between webinars, a photo essay, and guest article from West Virginia University, readers will discover three new 'As If You Were There' virtual tours highlighting climate adaptation work and research at the University of Delaware, University of New Hampshire, and University of Massachusetts - Amherst.
- Running AMOC – Why Changing Ocean Circulation matters to Farmers in the Northeast
- Meet GradCAP: A Virtual Climate Lab for Graduate Students
- New Webinars this Fall
- Woodman Horticultural Research Farm at UNH 360
- Continued Conversations with Cecarelli Farms
- Who Needs Irrigation in the Northeast?
- Irrigation Research at UD 360
- What West Virginia’s Changing Climate Means for Its Farmers
- UMass Permaculture 360
Are long range weather forecasts getting better? This and more in this Quarterly Harvest. Some highlights include a new economic case study on gully erosion and stabilization on a Vermont farm, a new research brief on the USDA ARS Farming Systems Project in Maryland, and the launch of Cornell University's 'As If You Were There' virtual tour looking at biochar and compost.
- (Co)Director's Desk: Long Range Weather Forecasts are Getting Better
- Agroforestry: Enhancing Resiliency in U.S. Agricultural Landscapes Under Changing Conditions
- Essential Education on Coastal Resilience for Rhode Island Professionals
- Economics of Gully Erosion and Stabilization
- Cornell Biochar and Compost Facilities 360
- Small but Mighty: Oyster Aquaculture as a Tool to Improve Ecosystem Health
- 2018 Partners Meeting
- USDA ARS Farming Systems Project
This Quarterly Harvest is packed! Here we share insight into the unstable arctic vortex, announce a new webinar, feature two new 'As If You Were There'virtual tours, highlight farmer focus groups on climate change from the University of Maine and Cornell University, share agricultural reflections from abroad, and so much more.
- Director's Desk: What's Going on with Our Winter Weather?
- AgBizClimate: A Farm-level Decision Tool for Measuring the Economic Impact of Climate Change
- New Webinar in March
- Living Shorelines 360
- Farmers’ Thoughts on Climate Change and Agriculture in New York and Pennsylvania
- Farmer Storytelling Session Raises Awareness of Climate and Agriculture Issues in Maine
- UDC Urban Farm 360
- Farming and Teranga in Senegal: A Reflection on Volunteering Abroad
- Farm Service Agency Employee Intentions to Use Weather and Climate Data in Professional Services
In this Quarterly Harvest newsletter, we highlight new studies on climate risks and opportunities for Northeast crop and livestock farmers, a video series launched by Rutgers Climate Institute, a case study focused on a family dairy in Maine, and two guest authored articles by the USDA National Agroforestry Center and University of New Hampshire that both speak to planning ahead for future conditions.
- How Do Farmers Think about Climate Risk?
- Cecarelli Farms Talks Data Driven Decision-Making
- Irrigation Pays in Protecting Crop Revenues
- Sharing Climate Adaptation Stories in Virtual Forest Tours
- Storms and Stream-Crossings
- New USGS Shallow Well Design Resists Drought
- Specialty Crop Production in a Constantly Changing Climate
- Climate Change Science, Communication, and Action Online Course
- Climate Adaptation Practices in 360°
- Tribal Partnerships Update
- Spring Farming in the Northeast, in an Era of Climate Change
- Valuable Weather Information for the Agriculture Community
- Adapting Forested Watersheds to Climate Change: Exploring Practical Approaches applicable to the Northeast
- Upcoming webinar: Agricultural Decision Tools from the Cornell Climate Smart Farming Program and the Network for Environment and Weather Applications
- Northeast Welcomes New NRCS Project Liaison
- Spring Coming Early this Year to Parts of the Northeast?
- Northeast Climate Hub Weather Station Installed at Cecarelli Farms
- What Do Winter Temperatures Mean for Next Season’s Pest Populations?
- Interview with an Extension Vegetable Specialist: Part 2
- New Video Series Launched on Climate Adaptation
- Helping Farmers Adapt to Extreme Weather and a Changing Climate
- Shifting Seasons for Forest Harvests in New England
- Building a Weather Ready Nation
- Northeast Climate Hub Distinguished Scholar
- Join a Discussion Group for Climate Adaptation
- Interview with an Extension Vegetable Specialist Concerning Climate Change: Part 1
- 29,000 Acres of Farmland affected by Drought in Massachusetts
- New Irrigation Investment Tool for Field Crops in the Midwest Helps Farmers Make Decisions about Equipment Investment
- Rutgers Turfgrass Breeding for Drought Resistance
- Northern Forests Climate Hub Addresses Drought Concerns
- Climate Trends: Warmer Winters Affect Spring Development and Summer Pests
- FSA Crop Loss Data in the Northeast: A Snapshot of Current Conditions
- Northeast Climate Hub's Webinar Series
- Northeast Weather Variability this Spring and Early Summer: Wet West Virginia, Dry Up North
- Corn Flea Beetle and Stewarts Wilt in Corn: Shifts in Geographic Vulnerability of U.S. Corn Crops under Different Climate Change Scenarios
- Sustainably Growing Vegetables in a Changing Climate: It's about Working Together
- Rhode Island: Risk Management and Crop Insurance Newsletter