Climate Solutions
Globally the climate has warmed about 2˚F since 1880. The 10 warmest years in the historical record have all occurred since 2010. Changes in global climate have resulted in regional challenges with more frequent extreme weather events, including heat extremes, drought, flooding, and hurricanes. Climate change is affecting forests, farms, ranches, and communities across the U.S. Climate solutions include management actions that build resilience to extreme weather events, reduce greenhouse gas emission and store carbon to mitigate climate change. The Climate Hubs work with partners to develop and deliver science-based, region-specific information and technologies to enable climate-informed decision-making and provide access to assistance to implement those decisions.
Climate Change Considerations for Forest Operations in Northern Forests
Climate change is altering current weather patterns and may complicate forest operations. This guide presents climate…
The Future of Winegrapes in California
As California viticulture faces the growing threat of climate change, winegrape producers will increasingly need…
The potential of guayule for commercial rubber production in the southwest
As global rubber supplies face mounting pressures, the resilient guayule plant offers a sustainable, domestic source…
Adapting Industrial Forestry Practices to Climate Change in the Northwest
Climate change will affect forest industries in the Northwest. Adaptation strategies can help to increase forest…
Agroforestry: Adapting to Climate Change in Northwest Agriculture
The integration of trees and shrubs into agriculture can increase the adaptability of farms to climate change.
NRCS California Climate Conversations Resources
This page supplements the USDA California Climate Hub’s “Climate Conversations” workshop series, which aims to enhance…
Adaptive Grazing Management for Resilient Northwest Rangelands
Adaptive Grazing Management is a flexible process that can help rangeland producers adjust to challenges associated…
Adaptation Actions for Spruce-Fir Forests in New England and New York
Many management actions are available to help land managers respond to climate change impacts on spruce-fir forests in…
Forest Climate Indicators
The Forest Climate Indicators project seeks to increase the availability of actionable climate change indicators via…