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Management Actions from the Northeast Hub Region

  • Living Shorelines

    Oyster Castles scene from Living Shorelines virtual tour

    Rutgers University helps partners, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Nature Conservancy and the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, build a living shoreline along the Delaware Bay shore to reduce…

  • Northeast Regional Vulnerability Assessment

    aphids on Brussels sprouts

    This report provides an overview of regional agriculture and forest system sensitivities to climate change and adaptation strategies, a greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation profile for the region…

  • Northeast Climate Hub Webinar Series

    Bees pollinate a sunflower

    This webinar series builds on capacity within USDA to deliver science-based knowledge and practical information to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners.

  • Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Workshop

    Opening remarks being made at the USDA Northeast Climate Hub Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Workshop

    The USDA Northeast Climate Hub, in conjunction with the University of Maryland, hosted a regional workshop to address the USDA 'Building Block' approach to greenhouse gas mitigation.

  • UDC Urban Farm

    Aquaponics System at UDC

    The University of the District of Columbia showcases an urban food hub at the East Capitol Urban Farm and helps address food security issues. Food security will continue to be a challenge as the…

  • Planning for Planting

    Riparian forest buffers in Pennsylvania

    Design an effective riparian buffer during the off-season by using AgBufferBuilder to aid against intense rain events in the future.

  • The Future of Winter Roads

    autumn road view

    Recent warmer and shorter winters mean that winter freeze and spring thaw periods for roads are less dependable. Learn how this variability impacts industry, management and communities, and how a new…

  • Economics of Climate Change

    man working on laptop while sitting in tractor wheel

    A changing climate is already being felt in the pocketbook. Whether these are direct, weather-related crop losses or new sources of income, weather and climate have a direct economic impact on…