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Management Actions from the Northeast Hub Region

  • UMES Permeable Reactive Barriers

    Gypsum curtain scene from virtual tour

    Heavy rain events are increasing across the Northeast, which can result in more nutrient leaching on farms. At UMES, researchers are studying permeable reactive barriers. Results from the research…

  • Milkweed at Borderview Farm

    Milkweed at Borderview Farm

    Borderview Farm and University of Vermont (UVM) Extension are researching the potential for growing milkweed both as an agricultural fiber crop and to conserve habitat for monarch butterflies.

  • Drought Resistant Practices

    mulch with cover crops that include Austrian snow peas, vetch, small grain, and clover

    The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers cost sharing for practices that help farmers increase resilience to drought.

  • Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship

    Sang Lee Farms, in Peconic, New York, transitioning to third generation, grows more than 100 varieties of specialty vegetables, heirloom tomatoes, baby greens, herbs.

    The Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Fellowship curriculum provides farmers, foresters, and advisors with the information they need to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. We also…