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The tools presented below represent a portion of the tools available for the climate, agriculture and forestry sectors. The tools range from specialized calculators to maps, models and datasets estimating a variety of outputs (e.g., crop production, greenhouse gas flux, and species distribution). Certain tools may be more relevant to land managers to aid in year-to-year decision-making, while others are more useful for researchers studying agriculture and climate change. Keep in mind that all tools have limitations and make assumptions that may not be appropriate for an entity’s climate/region/crop/soil type. USDA does not endorse the tools presented below. The tool list is provided for informational purposes only, and is not exhaustive.
  • AgroClimate Citrus Copper Application Scheduler

    Bowl of oranges

    The Citrus Copper Application Scheduler monitors rainfall and predicts the level of copper residue available for disease control. The information is displayed graphically as well as in a table that lists the details and…

  • AgroClimate Citrus Advisory System

    AgroClimate Citrus Advisory System Webpage

    Provides map of current post bloom fruit drop risk, and recommendations for fungicide applications based on user-defined location, flowering intensity and development, and application history.

  • AgroClimate Carbon Footprint Calculator

    Farmland at sunset

    Carbon Footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities such as agriculture, expressed in equivalent kg or tons of carbon dioxide. The Carbon Footprint…

  • AgroClimate- Climatology

    AgroClimate- Climatology

    Monthly ENSO-specific climate data for rainfall, minimum temperature, and maximum temperature were developed by AgroClimate using PRISM monthly data from 1950 to 2013. ENSO classification was based on multivariate ENSO…