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The tools presented below represent a portion of the tools available for the climate, agriculture and forestry sectors. The tools range from specialized calculators to maps, models and datasets estimating a variety of outputs (e.g., crop production, greenhouse gas flux, and species distribution). Certain tools may be more relevant to land managers to aid in year-to-year decision-making, while others are more useful for researchers studying agriculture and climate change. Keep in mind that all tools have limitations and make assumptions that may not be appropriate for an entity’s climate/region/crop/soil type. USDA does not endorse the tools presented below. The tool list is provided for informational purposes only, and is not exhaustive.
  • MC1 Dynamic Vegetation Model

    US Forest Service MC1

    MC1 is a dynamic vegetation model, meaning that it gives the user information about the processes (e.g. nutrient cycling, fire) that will influence vegetation responses to climate change.

  • Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)

    EDEN: Extension Diaster Education Network

    The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a collaborative multi-state effort by Extension Services across the country to improve the delivery of services to citizens affected by disasters.

  • Adaptation Workbook

    trees and water with information about the Adaptation Workbook

    The Adaptation Workbook provides users with a flexible, logical process to consider climate change information and design customized management actions that can help achieve their management objectives.

  • Sustainable Corn

    sustainable corn logo

    Through its research, engagement of Corn Belt farmers, and publications, the project has provided farm management strategies, which farmers can put in place throughout the Corn Belt to make corn-based cropping systems…