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The Future of Winegrapes in California

A bundle of grapes in the process of maturing.

As California viticulture faces the growing threat of climate change, winegrape producers will increasingly need research and technology to aid in climate solutions. The USDA California Climate Hub’s continued partnership with the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance seeks to generate knowledge and resources to help producers address the impacts of climate change on their operations.

The partnership has led to a publication in the International Journal of Biometeorology, and two publications resulting from last year’s Vineyard of the Future workshop are currently in review.

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Climate Change and California's Winegrapes StoryMap

These three research efforts have been summarized in an educational StoryMap, Climate Change and California's Winegrapes, on the projected impacts of climate change on winegrape phenology, the adaptation and mitigation strategies currently available to producers, and the gaps in research and technology that must be addressed to protect the future of winegrape production in the state.