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Management Actions from the Northern Forests Hub Region

  • Wildlife Adaptation Menu

    dark-eyed junco perched on a branch

    The Wildlife Adaptation Menu provides tools and guidance to support wildlife managers in designing and implementing actions for climate change adaptation.

  • Great Lakes Coastal Ecosystems Adaptation Menu

    Landscape view of a lake with a pine tree in the foreground

    Strategies for Adapting Great Lakes Coastal Ecosystems to Climate Change presents a menu of adaptation actions to help practitioners move from general concepts to tangible, targeted adaptation…

  • Urban Forests and Human Health Adaptation Menu

    woman on a bench in a forested city park

    The Urban Forests and Human Health Adaptation Menu is a flexible resource that synthesizes a wide range of peer-reviewed research, evidence-based reports, and emerging best practices on climate…

  • Forest Adaptation Menu

    Trail through a forest.

    The Forest Adaptation Menu provides a collection of resources designed to help forest managers incorporate climate change considerations into management and devise adaptation tactics.