California Reforestation Dialogues and Symposium
Establishing resilient forests for California's future
Reforestation symposium
GradCAP Webinar: Farms and Farmer Decisions
This GradCAP webinar will feature presentations on farmer decision-making, hayfield management, and crop yield modeling.
The GradCAP Scholars presenting within this session include Alissa White from the University of Vermont, Michael Allen from Rutgers University, and Brogan Tooley from the University of Maine. Alissa White will discuss adaptive management practices on vegetable and berry farms. Michael Allen will share how climate can affect farmland bird populations by influencing farmer decisions on hayfield management.
GradCAP Webinar: Changing Ecosystems
This GradCAP webinar will feature presentations on sustainable watershed utilization, changing soil moisture on farms, and shifting bird habitats.
The GradCAP Scholars presenting within this session include Manashi Paul from the University of Maryland, Sonja Birthisel from the University of Maine, and Gordon Dimmig from West Virginia University. Manashi Paul will share her work on how hydrologic modeling can be integrated to aid in sustainable water reuse (especially in water-stressed watersheds).
GradCAP Webinar: Soils and Plant Growth
This GradCAP webinar features presentations on soil carbon dynamics, beneficial rhizobacteria, and plant temperature tolerance.
The GradCAP Scholars presenting within this session include Brooke Eastman from West Virginia University, William (Bill) Errickson from Rutgers University, and Sarah Mills from West Virginia University. Brooke Eastman focuses on the belowground carbon response to 28 years of nitrogen additions to Appalachian forests. Bill Errickson shares how abiotic stress tolerance in crops can be improved with rhizobacteria.
GradCAP Webinar: Changing Farm Management
This GradCAP webinar will feature presentations on plant disease pressures, and managing soil for mitigation.
The GradCAP Scholars presenting within this session include Kyle Dittmer from the University of Vermont, and Joe Walls from Pennsylvania State University. Kyle Dittmer will share his research on alternative soil management practices to mitigate gaseous carbon and nitrogen losses from agricultural soils, and Joe Wallswill discuss his work looking at the effects of climate change on virus evolution and plant defenses against viruses.
GradCAP Webinar: Stakeholder Beliefs and Actions
This GradCAP webinar will feature presentations on fostering climate resilience in farming and forestry through stakeholder engagement.
The GradCAP Scholars presenting within this session include Ruth Sexton and Alyssa Soucy from the University of Maine.