Climate Change Is Impacting Northeast Agriculture’s “Bottom Line”
But is there anything we can do about it?
There may be little that individual producers can do to change the climate, but there are ways to adapt quickly to anticipated weather-related risks. So, what are some of the risks? Recent scientific information has strengthened the need to adapt to change.
UVM Dairy Farming Research
Notice: This project page is no longer being updated as of January 2023.
Woodman Horticultural Research Farm at UNH
Notice: This project page is no longer being updated as of January 2023.
Partner Highlight: NERA
The Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (NERA) represents and promotes the research efforts of regional Land-grant universities and organizations.
NERA and its component Land Grant Universities are key Northeast Climate Hub partners. They significantly contribute to the Hub mission of aiding the region’s farmers and foresters to confidently make climate-informed decisions.
West Texas Mesonate Agro-Climate Monitor
The “Select Precipitation Variable’ dropdown control allows you to plot three variables: An average of the cumulative precipitation for the 5 nearest Mesonet stations calculated for the current year (plotted in white) and for each of the past 10 years.