Forests & Woodlands Topics from the Northwest Hub Region
Understanding Northwest Forest Soil Carbon
The soil in Northwest forests can store carbon for centuries. However, climate change could affect the stability of forest soil carbon.
Understanding Forest Carbon
Forests play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by storing carbon dioxide in their biomass and soil.
Adapting Industrial Forestry Practices to Climate Change in the Northwest
Climate change will affect forest industries in the Northwest. Adaptation strategies can help to increase forest resilience.
Spruce Beetle Outbreaks and Climate Change in Alaska
Climate change is increasing the intensity and size of spruce beetle outbreaks in Alaska, increasing impacts on spruce forests.
Climate Change and Recreation on Public Lands in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
A summary of climate change effects on recreation in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, and relevant adaptation options.
The Oregon Post-Fire Research and Monitoring Collaborative
The Collaborative coordinates research and monitoring efforts and creates valuable resources to share relevant post-fire information.
Mechanical Fuel Treatments for Climate Resilience in Dry Northwest Forests
Mechanical fuel treatments are a proactive reduction of overgrown forests that can help reduce risks of wildfire.
Climate Change and Wildfire in Alaska
In Alaska, the risk of large, frequent, and severe wildfires is increasing as rapidly warming temperatures and longer growing seasons alter forest and tundra ecosystems.
Northwest Forests and Woodlands
Northwest forests and woodlands are valuable resources vulnerable to climate change.
A Climate Resilience Guide for Small Forest Landowners
This guide provides information, resources, and management actions to help small forest landowners adapt to a changing climate.
Climate Change and Wildfire in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
Large fires in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington are associated with warm and dry conditions that are likely to increase with climate change.
Prescribed Fire in the Northwest
Advantages and disadvantages of prescribed fire in the northwest and the process of conducting a prescribed fire.