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Soil Topics from the Northeast Hub Region

  • Drought Resistant Practices

    mulch with cover crops that include Austrian snow peas, vetch, small grain, and clover

    The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers cost sharing for practices that help farmers increase resilience to drought.

  • Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu

    Tribal Adaptation Menu

    The Menu is an extensive collection of climate change adaptation actions for natural resource management with tribal communities.

  • Vermont Farmer Profiles

    Goat milking at Does Leap Farm

    Capstone students are helping us hear the stories of farmers who are adapting to climate change.

  • How Much is Enough?

    Potatoes irrigated with a solid set system in Burlington VT

    Researchers and farmers work towards efficient irrigation by comparing crop water needs to weekly applications on diversified Vermont vegetable farms.

  • Economics of Gully Erosion Stabilization

    Hard engineering gully stabilization

    Stabilizing gullies is one strategy for adapting to changing climate. This case study evaluates the costs and benefits of restoring gullies on Last Resort Farm in Monkton, Vermont.