Extreme Weather Impacts from the Northeast Hub Region
Drought Resistant Practices
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offers cost sharing for practices that help farmers increase resilience to drought.
New NRCS Practices to address Climate Change Issues
NRCS has expanded planning and funding related to climate smart farming practices for farms.
University of Maryland Ornamental Irrigation Research
Nurseries and greenhouses are intensive production spaces where careful water management is critical to business. As the climate changes, there will be more periods of hot and dry weather in the…
Managing Dairy Heat Stress in the Northeast’s Changing Climate
Keeping cows cool in the summertime is a major concern for dairy farmers, even in the relatively moderate climate of the Northeast.
Another Warm Winter but Better News about Climate Change
January and December temperatures have been above average, especially in West Virginia. And except for a few places in the far north, snowfall is also down.
Farming the Floodplain: Trade-offs and Opportunities
Climate change will alter rainfall patterns in New England in the coming decades. Storms will likely become more intense, increasing the frequency of flooding. Many Farms in this area tend to be…
UMaine’s Highmoor Farm
Maine is a state known for its long, cold winters and short growing season, but changes in climate are disrupting this norm. Many growers across the state have already started to experience the trend…
Sustainable Dairy Cropping at Penn State
Penn State University researchers are studying cropping systems that can make dairy farming more sustainable in the face of a changing climate.
Extreme and Persistent Rains and Flooding in the Midwest - Can it happen across the Northeast?
It is too early to say if climate change is modifying the frequency of circulation patterns associated with extreme flooding. However, chapter 9 the U.S. Climate Science Special Report finds high…
Storms and Stream Crossings
Stream-crossings have a lower risk of failure if designed appropriately for the stream, and with consideration of current and future regional climate conditions. Careful evaluation of structure size…
Vermont Farmer Profiles
Capstone students are helping us hear the stories of farmers who are adapting to climate change.
Continued Conversations with Cecarelli Farms
William DellaCamera faces new responsibilities and decisions for Cecarelli Farms.