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Disturbances Impacts from the Northeast Hub Region

  • UMaine’s Highmoor Farm

    David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist at the University of Maine, takes a closer look at the grapes

    Maine is a state known for its long, cold winters and short growing season, but changes in climate are disrupting this norm. Many growers across the state have already started to experience the trend…

  • Storms and Stream Crossings

    A newly constructed stream simulation culvert on the George Washington National Forest.

    Stream-crossings have a lower risk of failure if designed appropriately for the stream, and with consideration of current and future regional climate conditions. Careful evaluation of structure size…

  • Yale-Myers Forest Orchard

    scene from yale-myers forest orchard virtual tour

    A small-scale agroforestry system addresses pests, weeds, drought, and erosion in a diverse orchard.

  • UVM Dairy Farming Research

    UVM research team at a cattle farm in Williston, VT

    Research at dairy farms in Vermont shows how management practices can affect water quality, economics, and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Woodman Horticultural Research Farm at UNH

    Iago Hale stands next to his kiwiberry vines

    Check out the research taking place at this New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station farm. Experiments range from establishing beneficial plant habitats and wildflower meadows to running cold…