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Crops Topics from the Midwest Hub Region

  • Climate Change Impacts on Japanese Beetle

    Image Japanese beetle

    Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica (Newman), is a severe invasive insect pest of turf, landscapes, and horticultural crops that has successfully colonized much of the United States. Will a changing…

  • Climate Change Impacts on Palmer Amaranth

    Image palmer amaranth

    Palmer amaranth is proving to be a major challenge for agricultural production worldwide. In a changing climate, even more agricultural regions will be at risk to this fast-growing and herbicide…

  • Midwest Agriculture Climate Team (MAC-T)

    Midwest Agriculture Climate Team

    The Midwest Agriculture Climate Team (MAC-T) is a group of extension specialists and state climatologists from many of the states represented in the Midwest Climate Hub, and NOAA NWS climate and…

  • Agriculture in the Midwest

    top of corn plants

    The Midwest represents one of the most intense areas of agricultural production in the world and consistently affects the global economy. Agriculture is impacted by climate. Find out how and how…

  • Additional Resources

    Crispy green apples: Midwest CHU Newsletter, Webinars and Meetings info

    For the most up to date newsletters, research publications and events, check out this Additional Resources page. Access to the Midwest Climate Hub archives and additional Tools can also be found here.