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Midwest Agriculture Climate Team (MAC-T)

The Midwest Climate Hub coordinates the Midwest Agriculture Climate Team, or MAC-T (pronounced MACK-tee). MAC-T began in the spring of 2017 when a warm, late winter induced early dormancy break in the Midwest Region. Freezing conditions were still likely to take place, creating a need to share information regionally on the possible impacts to producers and resources to help mitigate those negative impacts. The Midwest Climate Hub brought together extension and climate specialists to compare issues, share resources, and inform (ultimately) producers of upcoming conditions via regular updates. This group was also able to gather impact information after the event. 

All members of MAC-T found this process valuable and have continued this communication as a team since 2017. The team meets monthly during the growing season regularly, and as needed during the winter season. MAC-T members are Extension specialists and state climatologists from many of the states represented in the Midwest Climate Hub, and NOAA NWS climate and weather specialists. The goal of this team is to share expertise regionally, discuss impacts and opportunities as it relates to agriculture and outlooks, and maintain an open line of communication so when weather/climate events do occur, the Midwest agriculture community is set to respond.  

Recent MAC-T climate and agriculture PowerPoints can be found by selecting below.

January 8, 2025


For previous Power Points, please write