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The tools presented below represent a portion of the tools available for the climate, agriculture and forestry sectors. The tools range from specialized calculators to maps, models and datasets estimating a variety of outputs (e.g., crop production, greenhouse gas flux, and species distribution). Certain tools may be more relevant to land managers to aid in year-to-year decision-making, while others are more useful for researchers studying agriculture and climate change. Keep in mind that all tools have limitations and make assumptions that may not be appropriate for an entity’s climate/region/crop/soil type. USDA does not endorse the tools presented below. The tool list is provided for informational purposes only, and is not exhaustive.
  • LandPKS

    Ag Extension Agent in Tanzania learning how to use LandPKS

    LandPKS is a free modular mobile phone app connected to cloud-based storage, global databases, and models. It is…

  • ShoreZone

    Grewingk Glacier River, Kachemak Bay, Cook Inlet. June 24, 2019. Credit: Create Commons Image from

    The ShoreZone map tool can assist coastal managers in locating high-resolution images and video of the entire Pacific…

  • Global Carbon Atlas

    Map of emissions by country for 2015

    Allows users to explore, visualize and interpret national to global carbon data from both human activities and natural…

  • ClimateBC/WNA/NA

    screenshot from tool

    A program to generate high-resolution climate data for climate change studies and applications in British Columbia and…

  • Coastal Resilience

    screenshot from tool website

    This is a global network providing access to peer practitioners, tools, information and training focused on nature-…

  • Seedlot Selection Tool

    Seedlot Selection Tool indicating areas with similar climate from which to transfer plant material for restoration.

    An online tool to assist foresters and natural resource managers match planting materials with planting sites based on…