Thank you for visiting the website of the USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub.
Our regional team provides with our partners and stakeholders in the states of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas with the science-based weather and climate information they need to reduce risk and build resilience.
At the Southern Plains Climate Hub, we conduct applied research and synthesize, translate, and communicate new scientific advances to agricultural and natural resource audiences in our region. We assess producer vulnerabilities to weather and climate extremes and changes, establish adaptation demonstrations in partnership with USDA agencies, regional universities, and Tribal nations, and support the creation of new tools and technologies that can enhance production agriculture. We also engage agricultural managers and landowners through outreach events, and share new climate-based educational resources for both students and professionals.
Please have a look around our website at the many information resources that are available, and do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Dr. Andrés Cibils