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Andrés Cibils

Andrés is a Rangeland Scientist who earned his MS and PhD in Rangeland Ecosystem Science at Colorado State University and his BS in Animal Science at the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  His professional interests revolve around resilient rangeland-based animal agriculture systems. Prior to joining the Southern Plains Climate Hub, Andrés was a National Program Leader in the Division of Climate Change at USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. He spent the better part of his academic career in the Southwest, first as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Arizona, and then as a member of the Range Science faculty in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences at New Mexico State University.

Featured Recent Work:

Sheri Spiegal, Rick Estell, Andres Cibils, Andrew Cox, Matt McIntosh, Dawn M. Browning, Michael C. Duniway, Micah Funk, Lara Macon, Sarah McCord, Matt Redd, Cindy Tolle, Santiago Utsumi, Jeremy Walker, Nicholas Webb, Brandon Bestelmeyer. 2024. Old genetics, new precision technologies, and adaptive value chains: The LTAR Grazing land Common Experiment at Jornada Experimental Range. Journal of Environmental Quality – Accepted

Spiegal, S., R.E. Estell, A.F. Cibils, E. Armstrong, L.J. Blanco, B.T. Bestelmeyer. 2023. Can heritage Criollo cattle promote sustainability in a changing world? Journal of Arid Environments 216:104980

Cibils, A.F., R.E. Estell, S. Spiegal, S. Nyamuryekung’e, M.M. McIntosh, D.M. Duni, O.A. Herrera Conegliano, F.A. Rodriguez Almeida, O. Roacho Estrada, L.J. Blanco, M.C. Duniway, S.A. Utsumi, A.L. Gonzalez. 2023. Adapting to climate change on desert rangelands: a multi-site comparison of grazing behavior plasticity of heritage and improved beef cattleJournal of Arid Environments 209:104886. 

McIntosh, M.M., A.F. Cibils, S. Nyamuryekung’e, R. E. Estell, A. R. Cox, D.M. Duni, Q. Gong, A. Waterhouse, J. Holland, H. Cao, L. Boucheron, H. Chen, S. Spiegal, G. Duff, S.A. Utsumi. 2023. Deployment of a LoRa-WAN near real-time precision ranching system on extensive desert rangelands: what we have learned. Applied Animal Science 39 (5):349–361

Duni, D.M., M. M. McIntosh, S. Nyamuryekung’e, A. F. Cibils, M. C. Duniway, R. E. Estell, S. A. Spiegal, A. L. Gonzalez, M. G. Gedefaw, M. Redd, R. Paulin, C. M. Steele, S. A. Utsumi, A. R. Perea. 2023. Foraging behavior of Raramuri Criollo vs. Angus cattle grazing California Chaparral and Colorado Plateau shrublands. Journal of Arid Environments 213:104975

Roacho Estrada, O., F.A. Rodríguez Almeida, S.A. Utsumi, E.L. Fredrickson, G.A. Bezanilla Enríquez, A.F. Cibils, R.E. Estell, A.L. Gonzalez. 2023. Foraging behavior of Raramuri Criollo vs. commercial crossbred cows on rangelands of the southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments 212:104943

McIntosh, M.M., A.F. Cibils, R.E. Estell, Q. Gong, H. Cao, A.L. Gonzalez, S. Nyamuryekung’e, S. Spiegal. 2022. Can cattle geolocation data yield behavior-based criteria to inform precision grazing systems on rangeland? Livestock Science 255: 104801

Sawalhah, M.N., H. M. E. Geli, J. L. Holechek, A. F. Cibils, S. Spiegal, C. Gifford. 2021. Water Footprint of Rangeland Beef Production in New MexicoWater 13: 1950

Nyamuryekung’e, S., A.F Cibils, R.E. Estell, M. M. McIntosh, D. VanLeeuwen, C. Steele, A. L. González, S. Spiegal, L. Avendaño Reyes, F. A. Rodríguez Almeida, M. Anderson. 2021 Foraging Behavior and Body Temperature of Heritage vs. Commercial Beef Cows in Relation to Desert Ambient HeatJournal of Arid Environments 193: 104565

Nyamuryekung’e, S. A.F Cibils, R.E. Estell, M. M. McIntosh, C. Steele, A. L. González, S. Spiegal, F. G. Continanza. 2021. Foraging Behavior of Heritage vs. Desert-Adapted Commercial Rangeland Beef Cows in Relation to Dam-Offspring Contact PatternsRangeland Ecology and Management 74: 43-49.

McIntosh, M.M., A.F. Cibils, R.E. Estell, S. Nyamuryekung’e, A.L. Gonzalez, Q. Gong, H. Cao, S. Spiegal, S. Soto Navarro, A. Blair. 2021. Weight Gain, Grazing Behavior and Carcass Quality of Desert Grass-fed Rarámuri Criollo vs. Crossbred SteersLivestock Science 249:104511

Spiegal, S, A.F. Cibils, B. Bestelmeyer, J. Steiner, R. Estell, et al. 2020. Beef Production in the Southwestern United States: Strategies toward SustainabilityFrontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4:114.

Elias, E., S. Aney, G.  Duff, C. Gifford, S. Spiegal, A. Cibils, J. Steiner, R. Estell. 2020. Rancher Perspectives on Creative Management OptionsRangelands 42: 191-195

Holechek, J.L., H.M. Geli, A.F. Cibils, Sawalhah, M.N. 2020. Climate Change, Rangelands and Sustainability of Ranching in the Western United StatesSustainability12, 4942

Sawalhah, M.N., J.L. Holechek, A. F. Cibils, H.M.E. Geli, A. Saied. 2019. Rangeland Livestock Production in Relation to Vegetation and Climate Trends in New MexicoRangeland Ecology and Management 72:832-845.

Andrés Cibils


  • Director, Southern Plains


Grazinglands Research Laboratory


7207 W. Cheyenne St.
El Reno, Oklahoma 73036

Phone Number


Focus Area

  • Rangeland Ecology
  • Climate Smart Agriculture