Rural & Urban Communities Topics from the Northwest Hub Region
Climate Change and Mental Health in the Northwest
Climate change can have a variety of negative mental health effects, particularly on vulnerable populations. However, there are ways to increase our resilience.
High Tunnels and Shade Cloth Buffer Peak of Abundance Farm from Extreme Heat
This Adaptation in Action highlights the use of climate-informed practices at an urban farm in Spokane, WA.
The Native American Rangeland Training Initiative
The Native American Rangeland Training Initiative project aims to address tribal training and education through courses, rangeland management toolkits, and a website.
Climate Change Adaptation Planning Documents of the Northwest
A list of climate change adaptation plans, including regional, state, county, Tribes, Tribal Nations, Indian Nations, Alaska Native Villages, communities, and more.
Northwest and Alaskan Tribal Nations and Climate Change
A description of climate change impacts on Tribal Nations in Alaska and the Northwest as well as highlights of a few vulnerability assessments and resources.