Grazing Lands Topics from the Northwest Hub Region
Adaptive Grazing Management for Resilient Northwest Rangelands
Adaptive Grazing Management is a flexible process that can help rangeland producers adjust to challenges associated with climate change.
Climate Change and Wildfire in Northwest Rangelands
The risk of large, frequent, and severe rangeland wildfires is increasing as warming temperatures and invasive annual grasses alter rangeland ecosystems.
Grazing Lands in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington
A summary of grazing lands and the effects of climate change in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Virtual Fencing: A Climate Adaptation Strategy
Virtual fencing allows ranchers to move livestock without physical fences and could be an effective climate adaptation strategy.
The Native American Rangeland Training Initiative
The Native American Rangeland Training Initiative project aims to address tribal training and education through courses, rangeland management toolkits, and a website.
Synthesis of Grazing and Water Management Strategies in the Great Basin
To address water limitations, ranchers have developed innovative grazing and water management strategies.
Northwest Rangelands, Weather and Climate
Ranchers in the Northwest are accustomed to water limitations on pastures, so obtaining current information and outlooks is essential to managing livestock especially in water-limited areas.
Incised Stream Restoration in the Western U.S.
Stream erosion challenges and beaver-related restoration information for the western US.