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Forests & Woodlands Topics from the Northeast Hub Region

  • Forest Climate Indicators

    View of the Hiawatha National forest in Michigan. USDA photo by J. Knowlton.

    The Forest Climate Indicators project seeks to increase the availability of actionable climate change indicators via interactive online tools to support forest management and planning. The project…

  • Considering Climate Change in Tree Planting

    Tree seedlings in bucket

    This guide provides a step-by-step process to help you consider climate change when selecting a tree for planting at a site and provides a framework to help learn about the projected habitat…

  • Insects Change the Story

    Hemlock trees

    A progression of non-native insects is steadily making their way into the northeast. The response of trees at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest to these insects will serve as an example for…

  • Climate Smart Buildings Ahead

    CLT close up

    It appears likely that CLT construction will prosper in the years and decades to come based on its’ capacity to cut emissions and “lock up” carbon.

  • Climate Change Impacts to Coastal Forests

     A ghost forest of standing dead tree trunks dominate this landscape of a recently killed coastal forest along the Bass River in New Jersey. Note also the dead and down trunks of an earlier forest that was buried in the marsh sediment and is now exposed along the creek edge. Photo courtesy of Jennifer Walker

    Rising sea levels and intense storms along the mid-Atlantic and southern New England coast are damaging and killing coastal forests. Studies document signs of stress and dieback, resulting in “ghost…