Kate MacFarland is an Agroforester for the USDA National Agroforestry Center (NAC). She is part of the outreach and education team at NAC, serving as the liaison to the northeastern, mid-Atlantic, and northwestern regions.
Her work focuses on providing leadership for national and regional workshops and training, developing outreach materials for science delivery to a range of technical and general audiences, and supporting the integration of agroforestry into USDA programs. Kate is also involved with NAC’s human dimensions work. Kate has a Master’s Degree in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Oregon, where her research focused on ecosystem services, natural resource management, and economic development. She also has a B.S. in Natural Resources from Cornell University.
Featured Work
- How can agroforestry support climate change mitigation in the Northeast?
- Chestnuts: A Perennial Opportunity for Northeast Farms
- Planning for Planting
MacFarland , Kate; Elevitch, Craig; Friday, J.B.; Friday, Kathleen; Lake, Frank K.; Zamora, Diomy. 2017. Chapter 5: Human dimensions of agroforestry systems. In: Schoeneberger, Michele M.; Bentrup, Gary; Patel-Weynand, Toral, eds. 2017. Agroforestry: Enhancing resiliency in U.S. agricultural landscapes under changing conditions. Gen. Tech. Report WO-96. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 73-90.