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Erin D. Lane

Erin works for the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and is Director for the USDA Northeast Climate Hub.

Her passions, and the focus of her work, lay in strategic teamwork and collaborations. She maintains strong relationships with federal, land grant and other partners, and leads projects and activities throughout the Hub. Erin changed her focus to climate ecology after an initial career based in fire ecology. She is also a co-founder, and coordinator, of the North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange serving the fire community to advance the use of relevant fire science to harmonize fire management goals by bring people together and addressing challenges. Erin’s current research interests include regional precipitation and drought trends, soil carbon and carbon cycles, and future projections for wildfire in the Northeast.

Featured Work

Selected Publications and Presentations

Whitehead JC, EL Mecray, ED Lane, L Kerr, ML Finucane, DR Reidmiller, MC Bove, FA Montalto, S O'Rourke, DA Zarrilli, P Chigbu, CC Thornbrugh, EN Curchitser, JG Hunter, K Law. (2023) Ch. 21. Northeast. In: AR Crimmins, CW Avery, DR Easterling, KE Kunkel, BC Stewart, TK Maycock, eds. Fifth National Climate Assessment. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC. USA. PDF

Che Y, RM Rejesus, MA Cavigelli, KE White, S Aglasan, LG Knight, C Dell, D Hollinger, ED Lane. (2023) Long-term economic impacts of no-till adoption. Soil Security 13: 100103. PDF

Lawrence G, I Fernandez I, S Bailey, C Beier, A Contosta, E Lane, P Murdoch, L Nave, A Quintana, D Ross, A White. (2023) Forming regional soil carbon networks to support effective climate change solutions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 87(4): 755-766. PDF

Rejesus RM, S Aglasan, LG Knight, MA Cavigelli, CJ Dell, ED Lane, DY Hollinger. (2021) Economic dimensions of soil health practices that sequester carbon: Promising research directions. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 76(3): 55A-60A. PDF

Dupigny-Giroux LA, EL Mecray, MD Lemcke-Stampone, GA Hodgkins, EE Lentz, KE Mills, ED Lane, R Miller, DY Hollinger, WD Solecki, GA Wellenius, PE Sheffield, AB MacDonald, C Caldwell. (2018) Ch. 18. Northeast. In: DR Reidmiller, CW Avery, DR Easterling, KE Kunkel, KLM Lewis, TK Maycock, BC Stewart, eds. Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 669-742. PDF

Janowiak MK, A D’Amato, CW Swanston, LR Iverson, FR Thompson, WD Dijak, S Matthews, MP Peters, A Prasad, JS Fraser, LA Brandt, P Butler-Leopold, SD Handler, PD Shannon, D Burbank, J Campbell, C Cogbill, MJ Duveneck, MR Emery, N Fisichelli, J Foster, J Hushaw, L Kenefic, A Mahaffey, TL Morelli, NJ Reo, PG Schaberg, KR Simmons, A Weiskittel, S Wilmot, D Hollinger, E Lane, L Rustad, PH Templar. (2018). New England and northern New York forest ecosystem vulnerability assessment and synthesis: a report from the New England Climate Change Response Framework project. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-173. Newtown Square, PA. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 234 p. PDF

Tobin D, E Lane, R Hoover. (2016) Climate Change and Agriculture in the Northeast: Teamwork, Responses and Results. PASA Passages 118: 10-13. PDF

Tobin D, M. Janowiak, D. Hollinger, RH Skinner, C Swanston, R Steele, R Radhakrishna, A Chatrchyan, D Hickman, J Bochicchio, W Hall, M Cole, S Hestvik, D Gibson, P Kleinman, L Knight, L Kochian, L Rustad, E Lane, J Niedzielski, P Hlubik. (2015) Northeast and Northern Forests Regional Climate Hub Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies, T. Anderson, Eds. United States Department of Agriculture, 65 pp. PDF

Lane ED. (2014) “Connecting Researchers and Managers.” Keynote Presentation, Wildland Fire Canada. Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Dvorak RG & ED Small. (2011) Visitor attitudes towards fire and wind disturbances in wilderness. International Journal of Wilderness 21(2): 27-31. PDF

Small ED, JS Wilson, AJ Kimball. (2007) Methodology for the re-location of permanent plot markers using spatial analysis. Northern J. Appl. Forestry 24(1): 30-36. PDF

Erin D. Lane


  • Director, USDA Northeast Climate Hub


U.S. Forest Service, Northern Research Station, North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange


271 Mast Road, Durham, NH

Phone Number



Focus Area

  • Climate Adaptation
  • Wildland Fire and Climate
  • Fostering Co-production as a Boundary Organization