Modules are currently unavailable
Apologies, the education modules are currently unavailable due to a technical issue. Links to updated modules presenting the same content will be available soon. In the interim, the education modules can still be accessed by USDA employees via AgLearn.

Responses to Climate Change: What You Need to Know gives a brief overview of the adaptation options, resistance, resilience, and transition, and how to incorporate them into natural resource planning, as well as providing definitions and descriptions of mitigation and restoration. A regionally-relevant activity follows the main material, and a personalized certificate is generated upon completion.
Learning Objectives
By the end of Responses to Climate Change, users should know:- The three adaptation options: resistance, resilience, and transition
- Differences and similarities between resistance, resilience, and transition
- Benefits and risks involved with each of the adaptation options
- The basic steps of the adaptation planning process
- Mitigation options for land management
- Differences between adaptation, mitigation, and restoration
- Different types of ecosystem management responses
- Climate change challenges, opportunities, and adaptation tactics for their region
- Climate change adaptation planning processes