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AIM for Climate

AIM for climate logoThe Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM for Climate / AIM4C) is a joint initiative by the United States and the United Arab Emirates. AIM for Climate seeks to address climate change and global hunger by uniting participants to significantly increase investment in, and other support for, climate-smart agriculture and food systems innovation over five years (2021 – 2025).

As climate change continues to impact global temperature, weather and seasonality, longstanding agricultural practices are undermined, throwing many farmers into poverty. Subsequently, the world’s rapidly growing population is ever more reliant on increasingly vulnerable food production. The sector must urgently adapt. New technologies, products, and approaches are required to mitigate and adapt to climate change while supporting growth and jobs.

Raising global ambition and driving more rapid and transformative climate action in all countries – including by enabling science-based and data-driven decision and policy-making – will be key. In this way, AIM for Climate will help create a surge of solutions and together we can enable a quantum leap in agricultural innovation, empowering agriculture to be part of the solution to address the climate crisis and create co-benefits of climate action.

AIM for Climate’s network of partners features governments and non-governments, including private research, education and extension institutions and international organizations, companies, or other NGOs.

Government partners provide the crucial foundation of AIM for Climate, through a wave of new public investment in climate-smart agriculture and food systems innovation. But other sectors, including business, philanthropy, and other non-government partners are invited to build upon that foundation with “innovation sprints” – investments in specific, impactful, expedited efforts – or by providing critical knowledge for identifying investment gaps, challenges, and opportunities. While innovation sprints are non-government funded, they can include participation from both government and non-government partners.

AIM for Climate recognizes the wide range of participants necessary to achieve its goal and seeks to draw on diverse knowledge, experiences, and cultures.

Learn more about Innovation Sprints and share insights and collaborate on innovations for climate-smart agriculture on the Innovation Hub.

U.S. Hosts 2023 Aim for Climate Summit