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Global Agricultural and Disaster Assessment System

GADAS has more than 1,000 data layers including environmental, satellite imagery, disaster, and associated data sets that can be interactively visualized or downloaded as charts or maps.

The Global Agricultural and Disaster Assessment System (GADAS) is a web-based Geographic Information System which integrates near real-time Earth Observation data to monitor global agricultural conditions to rapidly assess the impacts of natural disasters on agricultural production. GADAS has more than 1,000 data layers including environmental, satellite imagery, disaster, and associated data sets that can be interactively visualized or downloaded as charts or maps. The data sets can be used together with user uploaded data and geo-processing tools to enhance analysis and collaborate with colleagues. These datasets in GADAS make analysis easier because the work associated with obtaining the data, making or managing geospatial products, and sharing them are all contained in a single environment.  USDA highlights GADAS as a tool other countries may want to use.