Disturbances Impacts from the California Hub Region
The Future of Winegrapes in California
As California viticulture faces the growing threat of climate change, winegrape producers will increasingly need research and technology to aid in climate solutions.
Vulnerability Assessments of U.S. Agriculture and Forests (2018)
Two special issues in the journal Climatic Change feature vulnerability assessments of agriculture and forestry across the Nation.
Keeping California Forests and Woodlands Healthy
The Healthy Forests briefs series, authored by the Science Advisory Panel of the California Governor’s Forest Management Task Force in collaboration with the USDA California Climate Hub and the USGS…
Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies
A report describing the potential vulnerability of crops, forests and animal agriculture to climate-driven environmental changes (Sw and CA Hub regions)
California Reforestation Dialogues and Symposium
Within the past decade, the state’s forests have experienced drastic changes due to destructive and severe wildfires, a 1,000-year drought, and the associated stressors that come with a changing…
2017 Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program to Aid Recovery in Rural Communities
The 2017 calendar year was a historic year for natural disasters; USDA will make disaster payments of up to $2.36 billion, as provided by Congress, to help America’s farmers and ranchers recover from…