Wildfire & Flood Risk Forecast Resources
This toolshed contains links to online wildfire and flood risk forecast applications.
Please check this site…
Climate Conversations with Oklahoma Conservation District Staff
Oklahoma has seen an increased incidence of extreme climate-related events in the first 20 years of the 21st Century as…
Connecting to Climate: Global to Local Teacher Workshop
Connecting to Climate: Global to Local was a workshop co-hosted by the Asombro Institute for Science Education and the…
Adaptation Workbook Case Study: Pope Hilltop Farm in Loyal, Oklahoma
Steve Pope is the manager and operator of a diverse farming and ranching operation in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma…
Dr. Caitlin Rottler, Southern Plains Climate Hub Fellow
Farmers in the Southern Plains, including Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas, are no strangers to weather variability and its…
Hail Know
While you can't prevent hail, you can prepare for and respond quickly when dealing with hail damage to crops. And…
Regional Engagement
The Southern Plains Climate Hub regularly convenes regional workshops, field days, and seminars to address production…
Regional Science
The Southern Plains Climate Hub engages in applied research focused on the links between weather and climate…