Adaptation Actions for Spruce-Fir Forests in New England and New York
Many management actions are available to help land managers respond to climate change impacts on spruce-fir forests in…
Adaptation Actions for Mixedwood Forests in New England and New York
Many management actions are available to help land managers respond to climate change impacts on mixedwood forests in…
Adaptation Actions for Northern Hardwood Forests in New England and New York
Many management actions are available to help land managers respond to climate change impacts on northern hardwood…
Adaptation Management Strategies for Northern Forest Ecosystems in New England and New York
This guide aims to help managers identify potential adaptation management actions in northern hardwood, mixedwood, and…
New England and Northern New York Forest Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment
Findings from the New England and Northern New York Forest Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment
Considering Climate Change in Tree Planting
This guide provides a step-by-step process to help you consider climate change when selecting a tree for planting at a…
Investigating Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion in Forests
To better understand the risks and enable climate-smart decision-making, researchers at Rutgers University were engaged…
Graduate Student Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Partners (GradCAMP)
GradCAMP is an academic, year-long program seeking graduate students (Masters and PhD) studying climate adaptation and…
An Assessment of Programs that Incentivize Ecosystem Services across the Northeast
New research identifies the range of incentive programs available for Northeast producers to engage in sustainable…