Thank you for visiting the new online web presence of the USDA Climate Hubs program. Our new national and regional websites are designed to ensure that stakeholders from around the Nation can quickly and easily find the information they need to manage climate change risks and ensure the resilience of their production systems.
This resource was created following a comprehensive review process to restructure and reorganize our original web portal, which remains accessible as an archive. Our new websites utilize the latest web design technology and security protocols, are mobile-friendly, and more readily enable access to the timely and accurate weather and climate information land managers and professionals need.
The resources found here are designed to assist farmers, ranchers, forest landowners, rural communities, and Tribal governments with planning for and managing risks associated with weather extremes and climate changes. Quickly discover the information you need to manage your risks and improve your resilience to climate change. If you can’t find something, please check back to our archived website at the link above, or contact us directly and let us know.
To find out more about the Climate Hubs check out our fact sheet.