USDA works with a variety of partners to carry out the Climate Hubs' mission. Part of the Climate Hubs' mission is to connect USDA research agencies to program agencies. That is, connecting the Agriculture Research Service and Forest Service Research and Development research findings, data, and tools to the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and Risk Management Agency programs. Additional key partners in the nationwide network of Regional Hubs include the public and land grant universities (Cooperative Extension and the Agricultural Experiment Stations), USDA scientists, the private sector, farm groups and commodity organizations, state, local and regional governments, tribal organizations, and non-profits engaged in providing assistance to landowners.
Federal Partners
USDA works closely with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) regional climate change experts to coordinate climate change assistance on federal and regional levels. Learn more about how federal agencies are working together to build climate resilience here.
To learn more about other federal regional climate change efforts, check out:
- The U.S. Department of Interior Climate Science Centers
- NOAA’s Regional Integrated Sciences & Assessments (RISA) program
The Climate Hubs will serve as a regional source of knowledge explicitly designed for hazard and adaptation planning for agriculture and natural resource management. Through the Climate Hubs, USDA will bring together capabilities to deliver science-based, proven solutions more efficiently to our stakeholders to enable them to maintain and increase productivity and resilience in light of climate change.
The Climate Hubs, in partnership with NOAA and DOI, are supporting regional resilience and improving customer service through the Climate Resilience Toolkit, which serves as the"front door" to the array of regional information, services, and tools available. Through the "front door," agencies are providing a networked approach to access any agency's regional services and/or provide a clear path to others. This site also features an online directory of regional experts, services, and tools.
Science and Technology Partners
USDA works with many partners to generate the science and technology necessary to help producers cope with climate change. On the federal level, these partners include NOAA, USGS, the Department of Energy, and NASA. USDA works with Agricultural Experiment Stations, the private sector, and many more partners to perform research and develop technologies on climate change assistance.
Technology Transfer Partners
USDA also works with a variety of partners to transfer climate change information to the farmers, ranchers and forest managers who need it. These partners include Cooperative Extension, USDA Service Centers, Forest Service Threat Centers, Certified Crop Consultants, Nutrient Management Consultants, seed dealers, and many more.