Climate change necessitates collaboration and an understanding of how natural resource managers and producers can begin to adapt management to meet the needs of a climatically-altered future. The Southwest Climate Hub needs talented, innovative individuals to work on science delivery and communication of how managers are adaptively responding to compounding climate change impacts. Here, we introduce Zachary Mullen and Emma Halaburt who join the Southwest Climate Hub during Summer 2023 to develop content for two programs: The Drought Learning Network (DLN) and the Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) Network
Zachary Mullen
The Drought Learning Network collaborates with the Conservation and Adaptation Resources Toolbox (CART, previously CCAST) to showcase on-the-ground demonstrations of drought adaptation and resilience through case studies. We welcome Zachary Mullen, who will write case studies on the projects and outcomes from the Farmer In Training program at the Old Fort at Hesperus (Fort Lewis College) where he is also a program participant.
Zach (he/ his) will be a senior at Fort Lewis College, studying Environmental Conservation and Management with a Regenerative Foods System Certificate. He is most interested in studying effective and just regenerative agricultural practices and knowledge sharing. Zach is excited to explore real-world examples of these topics and connect with people studying and practicing in this field. He has previously been involved in various conservation and recreation management projects in the Rocky Mountain area and likes to spend his time outdoors skiing, hiking, and gardening.
Emma Halaburt
The Adaptive Silviculture for Climate Change (ASCC) Network is a program that seeks to understand what climate adaptive management looks like in different forest types by bringing local experts, scientists and land managers together to develop experimental forest management approaches for specific forests.
Emma Halaburt (she/her) is the summer intern for the ASCC Network. Her position this summer is funded by Colorado State University (CSU) Extension. While Emma is originally from Georgia (and still loves our southeastern & Appalachian forests), she fell in love with the mountain west and its many unique ecosystems after moving here in 2020. Emma is currently finishing up her Bachelor’s degree in Rangeland and Forest Management at CSU with a minor in Global Environmental Sustainability. She is particularly interested in forest ecology and botany, and loves talking to people about our environment— especially forestry. Emma has experience working with the Colorado State Forest Service doing forestry outreach & education, as well as at the Warner College Career Center as a student peer advisor. Emma is hoping to stay in the mountain west after graduation, and is thrilled to learn more about the research and land management taking place across the ASCC Network!