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Western Drought Resilience Workshop

On August 12, 2020, we convened scientists and technical and service advisors to share preliminary climate predictions for annual forage production on rangelands of the western US over the next three decades. After short presentations on climate, forage, and rancher experiences, we opened conversation to the workshop participants to discuss how our findings might be most useful to current and future work as rangeland advisors.  See the flyer here. Watch the sketch video here.


Powerpoint Presentations:

Ranching, rangelands, and resilience ensuring adaptive capacity in an increasingly variable climate

Rangeland exposure to climate & drought

Mid-century annual forage projections

Range resilience in the West








We would like to extend gratitude to our discussion leaders and note-takers, Mike Crimmins, Joel Brown, Andrew Felton, Dan Ferguson, Jeremy James, Dannele Peck, Shawn Taylor, and Eric Thacker for their time and expertise in preparation and during the workshop as discussion leaders. This work was supported by the National Institute Food and Agriculture [grant number 2018-68002-27923].