2024 Kansas Natural Resources Conference Pre-Conference Workshop
Using Climate Data to Achieve Your Natural Resource Objectives
Thursday, February 8, 2024
8am - 12 pm

Climate change increasingly poses challenges for natural resource management in the form of heat waves, droughts, floods, and other impacts, but did you know that there are tools and organizations that can help you plan and prepare for the impacts of climate change on the natural resources you manage? The North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center and the USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub will provide an introduction to climate data tools and training on their application to inform resource management at the Kansas Natural Resources Conference. This training is for all professionals, landowners, and managers who want to learn more about how to use available climate change data to better meet your resource management goals in a changing climate. In addition to receiving training on the use of climate tools, participants will be invited to help inform the work of the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center and the USDA Southern Plains Climate Hub through facilitated discussion and activities.
Registration Information:
This workshop is limited to 30 participants; pre-registration is required. The registration fee for the workshop is $20. Scholarships are available as needed to help cover the cost of travel and the workshop registration fee; please contact christine.hesed@colorado.edu.