The Updated Silvics of North America Project (USNAP) is currently conducting a full revision to the Silvics of North America (SNA)! This project is a collaborative effort by the USDA Forest Service, the Canadian Forest Service, and the National Forestry Commission of Mexico.
Many exciting features are being incorporated into the SNA for the first time. One of the primary updates is that the SNA is now published digitally as opposed to hardcopy books. The digital publication is interactive and free to access, supports readability across devices (e.g., tablets, cell phones, laptops), and in the near future will include the option to download as a PDF file for offline reading. Chapters will also be published in French and Spanish for the first time to ensure equal access to users throughout North America.
In addition to the new access methods, chapter content is also being updated. The new content includes an expanded species list (especially for Canada and Mexico), new range and projection maps, and new chapter sections on important topics such as disturbances, goods and services, urban forestry, and research gaps. All SNA chapters are newly written, peer reviewed, and individually citable. Once a chapter is published, it will be put on a maintenance schedule to assess the need for future updates so that the SNA continually reflects modern science.