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Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) Model

The Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model is a cropping systems model that was developed to estimate soil productivity as affected by erosion. It predicts effects of management decisions on soil, water, nutrient and pesticide movements, and their combined impact on soil loss, water quality, and crop yields for areas with homogeneous soils and management.


Crop type, site ID, list of field operations, tillage and equipment, pesticides, and pesticides,


Simulated water. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and salt average values and balances.

Release Notes

Under certain conditions, a bug in NAJN subroutine was generating negative values for the soil NH3 content. The bug was eliminated by modifying the initial IF statement to consider the possibility of crop nutrient demand equal zero. The source code has been modified as follows: 

Original version: IF(X2<1..AND.DMD>0.)THEN 

Modified version: IF(X2<1.0.OR.DMD==0.0)THEN 

The format of the DHS output file has been slightly modified by adding an extra space between variables. Modifications done in BSIM, format 682 for the variables and 731 for the header




Researcher, Extension, Producer, Land Manager

Time Investment:




Spatial Scale:


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Tool Developers:

Texas A&M Agrilife