For over a decade, the Northwest Climate Hub has served as a platform for early-career professionals to refine their skills in science communication, research, and engagement. By supporting the Climate Hub's mission, fellows and interns have contributed to developing science-based information to aid natural resource managers in making climate-informed decisions across the Northwest. In turn, these experiences have equipped Northwest Climate Hub fellows and interns with the necessary skills and knowledge to transition into successful careers with government agencies and non-federal organizations.
We are proud to highlight some of their accomplishments below.
Morgan Lawrence was an ORISE Climate Change Communications Fellow from 2021 to 2024. In her time with the Northwest Climate Hub, Morgan published many web pages and fact sheets, created a curriculum on agriculture and climate change in Alaska in partnership with Alaska FFA, and co-wrote chapters for the forthcoming Tongass National Forest Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and the Chugach National Forest Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment focused on recreation and subsistence. Currently, Morgan works as a Public Affairs Specialist for the U.S. Geological Survey Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center.
Janelle Christensen served as an ORISE Climate Change Communications Fellow from 2021 to 2024. During her time at the Northwest Climate Hub, Janelle published many webpages and factsheets, helped to write the Climate Change Effects and Adaptation Options for Riparian Areas and Wetlands in the Northwest technical guide, and co-wrote the Climate Hubs’ 10-year anniversary StoryMaps. Currently, Janelle works as a Public Affairs Specialist for the U.S. Geological Survey Office of Communications & Publishing.
Elyse Doerr worked as a Resource Assistant Program intern from 2022 to 2023. In her time at the Northwest Climate Hub, Elyse published several web articles such as Northwest Urban Forests and Climate Change, reviewed grant proposals, and drafted social media content for the national Forest Service Instagram account. Elyse now works as a Public Affairs Specialist for the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest in Washington.
Erich Keyser was an ORISE Tribal Forest Management Fellow from 2022 to 2024. Erich was foundational in supporting the climate change adaptation capacity of the Nez Perce Forestry and Fire Management Division. Erich currently works as a track and field coach at Otterbein University.
Anna Maher served as an ORISE Rangelands Fellow from 2020 to 2022. During her time with the Northwest Climate Hub, Anna summarized climate change vulnerabilities and translated science for rangeland management. She was lead author on a manuscript on climate change adaptation strategies and worked closely with Forest Service experts to develop a compendium of online tools for federal rangeland managers. Anna currently works as an Economist at the Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Emily Fusco worked as an ORISE fellow with a focus on evaluating regional invasive species research needs. In her time at the Climate Hub, she was lead author of a chapter, Temperate Forests, in Future Forests: Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate Change, as well as lead author on a synthesis of spatial data and applications of invasive plant data. Currently, Emily works as the deputy university director of the Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Paris Edwards was an ORISE Science Communication Fellow for the Northwest Climate Hub from 2018 to 2020. Paris published many webpages and helped to write the Adaptation Resources for Agriculture: Responding to Changes in Climate in Alaska technical guide. Currently, Paris works as the Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Program Lead at the Oregon Department of Transportation.
Haley Case-Scott supported the Northwest Climate Hub as a Resource Assistance Program intern. In this position she worked with the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Program at the University of Oregon and National Forest System Pacific Region, where her work focused on tribes and natural resources. Currently, Haley works as a Tribal Liaison for the Upper Willamette Stewardship Network.
Gabrielle Roesch-McNally was the first Climate Hub Fellow at the Northwest Climate Hub. She focused on communicating science, developing co-produced research with farmers, and strengthening partnerships and capacity across the region. Gabrielle is now the Director for American Farmland Trust’s Women for the Land Initiative.
To see current openings with the USDA Climate Hubs, visit this link.