Coproduction is a collaborative effort to produce usable or actionable science between scientists and users of science. In practice, it is a negotiated and iterative engagement with end users and scientists that develop over time.
Advantages of using coproduction:
Decision support systems based on scientific information receive much better use.
Enhances relevance in addressing stakeholder challenges at relevant scales.
Helpful in addressing complex social and ecological problems that have no simple answers and require engagement across multiple stakeholder groups to resolve.
Helps the scientific community to develop actionable scientific information that assists end users in solving real-world problems.
Can be effective in building trust and knowledge systems that integrate local and traditional knowledge.
To learn more about Coproduction and the process of engagement read, “Making Sense of Coproduction: What Is It Good For?” by Gabrielle Roesch-McNally and Holly R. Prendeville.