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Kristen Emmett

Kristen Emmett is an ORISE Applied Climate Change Research Fellow helping develop science-based climate change vulnerability assessments for western landscapes. She also conducts research on the effects of climate change on forest and wildfire dynamics. She holds a joint appointment with the Northwest Climate Hub and the Western Wildland Environmental Threats Assessment Center. Prior to joining the Northwest Climate Hub, she served as an ORISE Fellow at the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Center where she studied forest dynamics in relation to land use patterns and change across the Southern Region. Kristen holds a Ph.D. in Ecology and Environmental Science from Montana State University. Her doctoral research focused on vegetation, fire, and climate dynamics for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Prior to graduate school, she worked as a field biologist and environmental educator for various organizations in the Northwest.

Photo of Kristen Emmett


  • ORISE Applied Climate Change Postdoctoral Research Fellow


USDA Northwest Climate Hub, Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, Pacific Northwest Research Station


USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station - Olympia Forestry Sciences Laboratory
3625 93rd Ave. SW
Olympia, WA 98512

Phone Number


Focus Area

  • Effects of climate change
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Climate-Fire-Forest Interactions