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NPCH AgroClimate Extension Outreach Exchange


NPCH AgroClimate Outreach Exchange NPCH Extension & Outreach logo

Facilitate the exchange of innovative agroclimate outreach tools & approaches developed by NPCH Extension & Outreach (E&O) Partners.

In March 2019, the USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub and the E&O team organized a 2-day AgroClimate Outreach Exchange for 65 invited participants from University Extension, Conservation Districts, state government, agriculture, and USDA ARS, NRCS, FS and FSA in Fort Collins, CO. The gathering enabled an interactive exchange of innovative agroclimate outreach tools that we and our partners had developed.

The purpose of this webpage is three-fold. First, we want to highlight the six innovative agroclimate projects (See Themes, Presentations, & Resources below) explored at the AgroClimate Outreach Exchange. Additionally, we want to share the design and approach of the exchange, which used interactive, innovative methods to actively teach participants new tools or modes of engaging attendees. Last, we want to share key outcomes, participant feedback, and take home lessons from the AgroClimate Outreach Exchange.

Participant photos at the NPCH AgroClimate Outreach Exchange

Collaborative Development: Transfer of Outreach Tools and Approaches

This event raised the visibility and accessibility of partners' novel outreach tools and approaches. It has encouraged more widespread adoption in other states. Participants expanded their network of colleagues with shared interest in agroclimate science and outreach. They also strengthened their understanding and confidence in communicating the science of climate and agriculture to stakeholders.

AgroClimate Outreach Exchange: Themes, Presentations, and Resources

~~~~~~~~~~~ Day 1: Tuesday, March 26 ~~~~~~~~~~~

Exploring the Northern Great Plains’ Changing Climate: Katharine Hayhoe (Virtual), Texas Tech University & Brad Udall, CSU

Climate is for Everyone: From 4-H to Farm Communities

Around the Kitchen Table

~~~~~~~~~~~ Day 2: Wednesday, March 27 ~~~~~~~~~~~

Welcome Back and Reflect on Day 1: Lou Swanson, CSU & Justin Derner, USDA ARS

Climate is for Everyone: Communicating to Inspire Action

Climate is for Everyone: Enabling Lifelong Learning

Growing Ideas

Climate is Not a Four-Letter Word: Moderated by Hailey Wilmer, USDA NPCH

Mr. O’Toole and Mr. Sommers will share their observations from the ranch about changing conditions & their advice on engaging agricultural stakeholders in conversations about climate.

Orchestrating Effective Outreach During Drought: Lessons from 2017 & 2018: Moderated by Elizabeth Ossowski, NIDIS

  • Miranda Meehan, NDSU
    • Coordinating university, state, and federal drought response. Building an Extension on-line drought impact form.
  • Laura Edwards, SDSU
    • Hosting community drought listening sessions.
  • Hailey Wilmer, USDA NPCH with CSU
    • In-depth, full-day workshops with communities. Meeting people where they are: knowing their drought conditions & cultural contexts.

Getting Ready for Drought Response

Closing Remarks by Extension Directors & Administrators: Moderated by Dannele Peck, USDA NPCH

  • Lou Swanson, CSU
  • Cody Stone, MSU
  • Charlie Stoltenow, NDSU
  • Karla Trautman, SDSU
  • Chuck Hibberd, UNL (absent with apologies)
  • Kelly Crane, UW

Key OutcomesWord cloud for the NPCH AgroClimate Outreach Exchange

Increased AgroClimate Knowledge and Capacity in the Region

  • Connecting Partners
  • Expanding Networks
  • Identifying Needs in the Field
  • Making Science More Usable
  • Amplifying Positive Impacts

Participant Feedback

  • Welcoming environment by organizers and attendees.
  • Content and resources shared were of high quality and accessible.
  • Networking with new contacts from a diversity of perspectives, discipline, and organizations.
NPCH AgroClimate Outreach Exchange Project Images

Participant-Reported Take-Home Lessons

  • Make personal connections for better climate communication: relationships, relationships, ... !
  • Don't be afraid to ask producers about climate impacts on ag: listen to their answers and their stories.
  • Work on connecting to Extension professionals: they can help share my research findings.
Partner logos, and thank you CSU Office of Engagement & CO Water Center for your sponsorship.


Project Status
