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Northern Plains Climate Hub: Quarterly & Five-Year Accomplishments

The USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub (NPCH) is excited to share our quarterly accomplishment reports with YOU! Each quarter we highlight a handful of our many accomplishments in a brief, 2-page document. This provides you a sample of our work, and a quick peek into efforts that we are developing or recently completed. It is also a great way to learn where you might find new information, resources, and tools – or how you might partner with us!

Starting in 2020, you can view our accomplishment reports below – and if you are interested in having future reports delivered to your inbox, click here to join our email list.

NPCH Reports: Quarterly* Accomplishments

*The USDA’s fiscal year is October of one year through September of the following year. Therefore, the first quarter starts on October 1st and the fourth quarter ends on September 30th of each year.

2024 Quarterly Accomplishments

2023 Quarterly Accomplishments

2022 Quarterly Accomplishments

2021 Quarterly Accomplishments

2020 Quarterly Accomplishments

NPCH: Five-Year Accomplishments

Are you interested in seeing a snapshot of accomplishments from our first five years? To see the NPCH’s 2-page report of accomplishments for 2014 - 2019, click here.