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Nutrient Tracking Tool Webinar

Learn more about the Nutrient Tracking Tool via a webinar hosted by the Office of Environmental Markets on February 14 at 2pm EST.

USDA has worked with the Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research at Tarleton State University to create a new national version of the Nutrient Tracking Tool (NTT).  NTT is a field-specific tool to help assess the water quality improvements of conservation practices on farms. This free, online tool will quantitatively estimate nutrient and sediment losses and estimate yield impacts, helping to inform conservation decisions on the farm.

Quantifying environmental outcomes from conservation isn’t just useful for on-farm decision-making—it is necessary for farmers who wish to participate in market-based programs like water quality trading. In these programs, farmers might sell one pound of phosphorous, for example, to a wastewater treatment plant that needs to meet a water quality limit. This way the plant meets their limits at a lower cost, and the farmer receives a payment for improving water quality.

NTT is free and available to the public at