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California Climate Hub Quarterly Call

The California Climate Hub will hold its next quarterly meeting on September 12th at 1:30pm PST. 

At this call, we’ll be hearing from UCLA’s Glen MacDonald on the drivers of the changing wildfire landscape in California. As always, we’ll have time for updates from Hub Director, Steve Ostoja, and any of our partners who wish to share. The agenda is below. We hope to see you on the 12th.


1:30pm – Welcome and introductions 

1:40pm – Updates from the California Climate Hub (Steven Ostoja)

1:45pm – Updates from Hub Partners 

2:00pm – Drivers of California’s Changing Wildfires (Glen MacDonald)

2:15pm – Q&A 

2:30pm – Adjourn 

Event Date Start-End

September 12, 2023 / 04:30 PM - September 12, 2023 / 05:30 PM