Monitor for invasive species and suppress/eliminate/control populations.
- Use environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring for early detection of non-native species invasions.
- Reduce or suppress brook trout populations.
- Construct barriers that prevent access/invasion to conservation populations in headwaters.
- Use monitoring and boat inspection programs to detect invasive mussels and aquatic plants species in lakes before populations are established.
- Conduct education during the initial stages of invasion (proactive crisis aversion).
Halofsky, J.E.; Peterson, D.L.; Ho, J.J.; Little, N.J.; Joyce, L.A., eds. (2018). Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the Intermountain Region. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-375. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station., Halofsky, J.E.; Peterson, D.L., eds. (2017). Climate change and Rocky Mountain ecosystems. Advances in Global Change Research, Volume 63. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.,