Maintain or restore natural flow regime to buffer against future changes.
- Use watershed analysis, watershed condition framework, etc. to develop integrated, interdisciplinary tactics associated with vegetation and hydrology.
- Protect groundwater and springs.
- Restore riparian areas and beaver populations to maintain summer base flows and raise water table.
- Address water loss at water diversions and ditches.
- Reconnect and increase off-channel habitat and refugia in side channels and channels fed by wetlands.
- Revegetate and use fencing to exclude livestock.
- Acquire water rights and use low-flow channel design.
- Disconnect roads from streams to reduce drainage efficiency.
Halofsky, J.E.; Peterson, D.L., eds. (2017). Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the Blue Mountains. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-939. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station., Peterson, D.L.; Halofsky, J.E. (2018). Adapting to the effects of climate change on natural resources in the Blue Mountains, USA. Climate Services. 10: 63–71., Halofsky, J.E.; Peterson, D.L., eds. (2017). Climate change and Rocky Mountain ecosystems. Advances in Global Change Research, Volume 63. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.