Research & Data from the Northwest Hub Region
Northwest Climate Hub 2024 Accomplishments
In 2024, the Northwest Climate Hub continued to expand support for natural resource managers in understanding and adapting to climate change.
Supporting Climate Change Adaptation in Pacific Northwest National Forests
The Northwest Climate Hub collaborates with the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest region to support climate change adaptation in national forest management.
Training NRCS Staff to Enhance Climate Mitigation in the Northwest
The Northwest Climate Hub is helping NRCS staff understand climate change mitigation and implement climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices.
Analyzing Trends in Alaskan Soil Temperatures in a Changing Climate
This project is analyzing trends in soil temperature across Alaska over the past 20 years.
Collaborating on Post-Fire Research and Monitoring in Oregon
The collaborative is working to promote collaboration across agencies, Tribes, and universities to learn from the 2020 Labor Day fires in Oregon.
Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability of Western Landscapes
This project brings scientists and land managers together to assess climate change risks to natural resources and develop ways to adapt.
Developing Resources for Northwest Riparian Areas and Wetlands
This technical guide and factsheet compile information on climate change and adaptation in riparian areas and wetlands.
Supporting Climate Adaptation in Northwest Tribal Forest Management
Ongoing effort working with Northwest tribes to create climate adaptation resources for tribal forest management.
Opportunities with the USDA Climate Hubs
Here are recently posted positions, post-docs, and fellowships that are available with one of the regional Climate Hubs.
Synthesis of Grazing and Water Management Strategies in the Great Basin
To address water limitations, ranchers have developed innovative grazing and water management strategies.
Coproduction is a collaborative effort to produce usable or actionable science between scientists and users of science. In practice, it is a negotiated and iterative engagement with end users and…
Northwest Agriculture Research and Data Overview
Overview of climate and social science research and data relevant to Northwest Agriculture.