Forests & Woodlands Topics from the Midwest Hub Region
Considering Climate Change in Tree Planting
This guide provides a step-by-step process to help you consider climate change when selecting a tree for planting at a site and provides a framework to help learn about the projected habitat…
Vulnerability Assessments of U.S. Agriculture and Forests (2018)
Two special issues in the journal Climatic Change feature vulnerability assessments of agriculture and forestry across the Nation.
Understanding forest soil carbon and useful resources for real-world management applications
The forests of the Northwoods, in particular the Lake States, soil carbon plays an important role. New research and USDA resources can help practitioners evaluate soil gains or losses based upon…
Landowner Forest Climate and Action Scorecards
Forest Climate and Action Scorecards are designed to help private landowners consider the climate change in the context of their woods.
NRCS practices can support climate change adaptation
NRCS programs and practices can help landowners achieve their goals while supporting climate adaptation. This series of brochures was designed to showcase NRCS practices that can support climate…
Midwest U.S. Climate Resiliency Toolkit
Increasing humidity and precipitation and rising extreme temperatures are having negative impacts across the Midwest. Integrating climate adaptation into planning processes can help build adaptive…
Carbon and Wood-based bioenergy
Management activities can have a substantial effect on greenhouse gas mitigation that extends beyond the carbon contained within forest ecosystems. Content from the USFS Climate Change Resource…
Storms and Stream Crossings
Stream-crossings have a lower risk of failure if designed appropriately for the stream, and with consideration of current and future regional climate conditions. Careful evaluation of structure size…
Shifts in Growing Degree Days, Plant Hardiness Zones and Heat Zones
Climate change is already having substantial effects on natural systems and the benefits they provide. Forest vegetation may face increased risk of moisture deficit and drought as climate change…
Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu
The Menu is an extensive collection of climate change adaptation actions for natural resource management with tribal communities.
Considerations on GHG reduction and carbon sequestration in forests
In 2016 the Northern Forests Climate Hub and the Forest Climate Working Group came together to identify opportunities to better support GHG mitigation. The outcome of these problem-solving…
Northern Forests Vulnerability
Forests of the Midwest and Northeast significantly define the character, culture, and economy of this large region but face an uncertain future as the climate continues to change.